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Welcome to Beryozova


School in Winter


Beryozova  School Sign


The History of Beryozova School

  1. In 1982, students in the community enrolled in the district's correspondence program and completed schoolwork in their homes.
  2. All students in the community began to work on their lessons together in an empty building around 1986.  Students continued to enroll in the correspondence school and a correspondence teacher was assigned to work with all the students of the village.
  3. In 1988, the Beryozova community built a schoolhouse.
  4. From 1988-1990 the school district assigned a teacher to the Beryozova location to meet the needs of the students.
  5. From 1990-1991, the school was again assigned a correspondence school teacher.
  6. In the fall of 1992, the school district hired, and placed on site as a 1/2-time teacher, Margaret Brockman, who is still currently teaching at Beryozova School.  Oly Langlois taught Russian the second half of the day.
  7. In the fall of 1995, the teaching position was expanded to a full time position.  In addition, a teacher aide, Oly Langlois, worked at the school.
  8. Around 1992, the district began to include Beryozova as a site on the state funding formula worksheet.
  9. Since that time, Beryozova has been considered a public school. 
  10. The school board okayed a site just north of the old school site.  Up until 2005 it was not possible to put portables in the village because the road was narrow and in poor condition. 
  11. In 2001, an individual bought the land south of our school and surrounding the shore of Little Lonely Lake on its Southwest side.  He had to upgrade the road into his land in order to make a subdivision.  He then upgraded the road to borough standards almost to the old school site.  This made it possible to get portables to their present site.
  12. In 2002-03 Mrs. Evelyn Hill started as a part-time aide here and continues to now. 
  13. In the summer of 2005 the MSBSD landscaped a piece of land, put in a well and a septic, and moved two portables to the current site at Beryozova. This was the first time the school had running water and indoor, flushing toilets.  This site was leased from Gregory Reutov for $1. 
  14. Oly Langlois, the outstanding bilingual tutor since 1988, decided to move to Washington after spring of 2005.  Stacey Reutov, a graduate from here, taught Russian for one year, 2005-2006.
  15. In 2006-07 Mary Amaryan became the bilingual tutor. 
  16. In 2013 Mrs Evelyn Hill left Beryozova to focus on health issues. And Mr. Simon Nashold was welcomed to the staff.
  17. 2015 Mrs. Margaret Brockman retired.
  18. Beryozova School was moved to the campus of Redington Jr. Sr. High School in 2022.