The students at Beryozova traditionally learn to embroider in order to depict flowers and create design on men's shirts and on women's dresses. Each pillow is hand-embroidered by very talented students from about fourth grade on up. Each embroidery gets surrounded with a quilt pattern by the creator, with fabric prints that match the embroidery.
All funds raised are to support student field trips. Each year the entire schools spends a day in Anchorage visiting the Rock Gym, Wild Berry Products Theater, Anchorage Zoo, and Botanical Gardens. Students also spend a day hiking Hatchers Pass. Another field trip opportunity is to take the Alaska Railroad to Hurricane Gulch.
If you are ordering a pillow, you can request various colors or shades for the borders to match your house or your furniture. You can even order matching pillow sets. You may also order just the embroideries if you wish to sew them in to your own wall hanging or quilt patterns. We can make these on diamond or square shapes. We can do them with flower names or without flower names. Just the embroidery alone costs $25 each. Each pillow comes with a write-up about the Alaskan flower and a note telling who embroidered your pillow. The pillow covers cost $30 each. They make wonderful, long-lasting gifts that anyone will greatly appreciate. The pillow covers can be washed. Your may orders by phone or by e-mail.
When you are paying for a pillow, please make your checks out to Beryozova School.